Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to set forth the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters regarding NAVER Cloud Corporation (hereinafter, the "Company") and the subject of personal location information related to the paid capacity product (hereinafter, the “Service”) of ‘NAVER MYBOX’ provided by the Company.
Article 2 (Rules Outside of the Terms and Conditions)
Any matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are governed by the related laws and regulations (Act on the Protection, Utilization, etc. of Location Information, the Personal Information Protection Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, etc.), the Company's Terms and Condition and Privacy Policy, and guidelines specifically defined by the Company.
Article 3 (Service Details and Pricing)
1. The Company directly receives location information from a location information company to provide the following location-based services.
Geo Tagging Service: The location information of the individual location information subject or mobile device included in the content is stored together with the content.
Search result provision service using location information: When requesting information search or providing the location information of the individual location information subject or mobile device, search results and surrounding results (such as photos taken nearby) using this location information are provided.
2. Paragraph 1 Location-based services are provided free of charge.
Article 4 (Rights of Subjects of Personal Location Information)
1. The subject of personal location information can withhold consent to part of the scope of use of personal location information and the details of the Terms and Conditions, or to the purpose of use and provision of personal location information, the scope of the recipient, and part of location-based services.
2. The subject of personal location information can withhold all or part of consent to collect, use and provision of personal location information.
3. The subject of personal location information can request to temporarily stop the collection, use and provision of personal location information at any time. In this case, the Company does not reject the request, and has technical methods for this.
4. The subject of personal location information can request viewing or notification of the following data to the Company, and can request correction if there's any error with the data. In this case, the Company does not reject the request without any legitimate reason.
Data confirming the collection, use and provision of the location Information regarding the subject of personal location information
Reasons and details of provision of personal location information of the subject of personal location information to a third party based on the Act on the Protection, Utilization, etc. of Location Information or provisions of other laws and regulations
5. The Company destroys, without delay, the personal location information and data confirming the collection, use and provision of the location information once the subject of personal location information withdraws all or part of it. However, if the subject withdraws part of consent, it is limited to the personal location information and data confirming the use and provision of the location information of the withdrawn part.
6. The subject of personal location information can request to the Company using the contacts in Article 13 to exert the rights in Articles 1 or 4.
Article 5 (Rights of Legal Representatives)
1. If the Company intends to collect or use or provide personal location information from children under the age of 14, then the Company must obtain consent from children under the age of 14 and their legal representatives.
2. If the legal representatives consent to the collection, use and provision of personal location information of children under the age of 14, then they can exert the rights to withhold the consent, withdraw the consent, pause, and request to view and notify.
Article 6 (Grounds and Period of Retention of Data Confirming the Use, and Provision of Location Information)
The Company automatically records the data confirming the use and provision of the location information regarding the subject of personal location information based on Article 16, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection, Utilization, etc. of Location Information, and retains it for 6 months or more.
Article 7 (Suspension and Change of Service)
1. If the Company cannot maintain a service due to its various circumstances, such as a location information company's policy change, or legal obstacles, the Company can limit, change or stop all or part of the service.
2. In case of a service interruption under Paragraph 1, the Company notifies about this on the internet in advance, or notifies the subject of personal location information.
Article 8 (Immediate Notification When Providing Personal Location Information to Third Party)
1. The Company does not provide personal location information to a third party without the consent of the subject of personal location information. If the Company provides a third party provision service, then the Company notifies the subject of personal location information in advance and obtains consent.
2. If the Company provides personal location information to a third party specified by the subject of personal location information, then the Company immediately notifies the subject of personal location information of the receiving party, provision date and time, and purpose of provision every time the communication end device is used to collect personal location information.
3. However, the Company notifies via the communication end device or email address that the subject of personal location information specified in advance.
The relevant communication end device that collected the personal location information does not have the feature for receiving text, audio, or video
The subject of personal location information asked the Company to notify via the communication end device other than the one that collected the personal location information or email address in advance
Article 9 (Rights·duties of guardians of children under the age of 8, etc. and how to exercise them)
1. If the person responsible for the protection of a person falling under the following cases (hereinafter "child at the age of 8 or under, etc.") agrees to the use or provision of personal location information for the protection of the lives or physical safety of a child at the age of 8 or under, etc., the Company deems to have consent of the person themselves.
1. Child at the age of 8 or under
2. Adult ward
3. Person with a mental disability in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 2 of the Act On Welfare Of Persons With Disabilities who is deemed to be a person with a severe disability in accordance with Article 2, Subparagraph 2 of the Act On The Employment Promotion And Vocational Rehabilitation Of Persons With Disabilities (It is only applicable for those who registered as a person with disability under Article 32 of Act On Welfare Of Persons With Disabilities.)
2. The person responsible for the protection of a child at the age of 8 or under, etc., who would like to consent to the use or provision of personal location information for the protection of the life or physical safety of the child must submit written consent with a document proving that they are the person responsible for that child's protection. The person responsible for the protection of the child at the age of 8 or under may exercise the entirety of rights of subjects of personal location information if they consent to the use or provision of personal location information of the child.
Article 10 (Period of Retention and Use of Personal Location Information)
1. The Company retains and uses the personal location information for the minimum period required to provide location-based services.
2. In principle, the Company destroys the individual location information without delay when the period necessary for providing the location-based service ends. However, in cases such as the ‘GeoTagging’ service, when the user posts or stores the individual location information on the Naver service together with the post or content, the individual location information may be stored together for the storage period of the post or content.
Article 11 (Compensation for Damages)
The subject of personal location information can claim damages to the Company if the damage occurred due to the Company's violation of regulations in Articles 15 or 26 of the Act on the Protection, Utilization, etc. of Location Information. In this case, unless the Company proves that there is no intention or negligence, the liability cannot be exempted.
Article 12 (Mediation of Disputes)
1. If a dispute related to location information is not consulted with the subject of personal location information or cannot be consulted, then the Company can file an application for adjudication to Korea Communications Commission.
2. In the event that a dispute related to location information is not consulted with the other party or cannot be consulted, either party can file an application for settlement to Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee according to the Personal Information Protection Act.
Article 13 (Business Information)
1. The company's name, address, phone number, and other contacts are as follows.
Company name: NAVER Cloud Corporation
Address: NAVER Green Factory, 6, Buljeong-ro, Jeongja-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13561, Korea
Phone number: 1566-3880
2. The Company has designated a location information manager as follows to do its best to protect the rights of the subject of personal location information, along with the handling of complaints that occur during the service use process.
Location Information Security Officer
Name: Hanyong Park
Affiliation: Security Policy & Privacy
Position: CPO/DPO (Personal Information Security Officer)
Phone number: 1588-3820
Email address:
Supplementary Provision
Article 1 Enforcement Date
These Terms and Conditions take effect from October 14, 2024.